A Comprehensive Guide on How to Handle Fleas on Dogs

Treatment Options for Fleas

When it comes to treating fleas on your dog, there are several options available. One of the most common treatments is a topical flea medication that is applied directly to your dog’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades.

These medications are effective at killing adult fleas and preventing future infestations. Another option is oral flea medication, which is taken by mouth and works to kill fleas from the inside out. In severe cases of flea infestation, your vet may recommend a flea bath or dip to help eliminate fleas quickly. It is important to follow your vet’s recommendations for the best results and to ensure the safety of your pet.

Home Remedies for Fleas

In addition to traditional flea treatments, there are also several home remedies that can help combat fleas on your dog. One popular method is using diatomaceous earth, a natural powder that can be sprinkled on your dog’s fur to kill fleas on contact. Regular vacuuming of your home and washing your dog’s bedding in hot water can also help eliminate fleas and their eggs. Some owners opt to use essential oils like lavender or cedar oil as a natural flea repellent. However, it is essential to use these oils with caution, as some oils can be toxic to dogs if ingested or applied in high concentrations.